1920s transmitter transformed into educational award winner
A world-class sporting venue
High-performance futures
People, place, setting, society, and the move from silo mentality
Dr Paul Hanna on how psychology touches everything we build
Voyages in space and science need a spectrum of explorers
How can we harness design to foster social connection?
When innovative ideas are given the time and space to flourish
The future belongs to the curious
“The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope.”
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Evolving the built environment puts us at a unique intersection. We span technology, economics, local and global regulation, environmentalism, and the health and wellbeing of society. We craft the stage where lives – billions of them – play out every day.
The privilege, magnitude, complexity, and responsibility of this role can sometimes feel daunting. With every innovation, every development in how we work, and each impactful project, the need for more, better, newer seems to follow. The world feels fast, vast, and often out of control. Despite the pioneering developments they may feature, when projects take years to come to fruition, it can feel as though there’s always more that could be done.
So how do we combat that overwhelming feeling? How do we even begin to make changes that keep pace?
We explore.
...Whether it’s making use of psychological insight to improve the human experience in a healthcare setting, or democratising traditionally exclusive areas of science and research, and moving away from silo mentality to embrace the possibilities and diverse perspectives that joined-up, holistic thinking can bring...
It’s about maintaining an open mind.
Tackling all the interconnected issues between people and place calls for broader accessibility, to allow in a spectrum of explorers who, pivoting from their own valuable vantage points, have the potential to become world-class problem-solvers.
And with healthy, fertile, ground beneath our feet, full of the nutrients necessary for ideas to flourish, we find ourselves far better equipped to think creatively, fuse our collective intelligence and figure out real solutions that meaningfully influence the future and impact positively on everyday life.
Our power to shape human lives through design; to instil a sense of belonging and social connection, foster nourishing relationships and build communities enriched by togetherness, is a unique privilege. We keep it front of mind, and let it drive us to build better.
Cover photo courtesy of BBC Pictures / Richard Ansett Photo (above) by Liam Lester on Unsplash
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