Where in the world does it work?
Over 65s living in retirement communities – country comparisons.
A United State of mind
With approximately 47 million senior citizens, the US has an abundance of retirement communities across its many states. The world’s largest retirement community is located in Florida – spanning 30,000 acres and home to more than 100,000 residents. Functioning as a town despite it’s name, The Villages features everything from medical and shopping facilities, to places of worship, golf courses, restaurants and entertainment spaces.
“In recent years, more niche retirement communities have emerged that are based around a common interest or hobby.”
These niche communities bring people together with shared experiences or previous employment, such the Polk County community for retired postal employees, as well as ethnic and cultural groups, such as the Aegis Living complex for Asian-Americans.
Doing it right Down Under
Both Australia and New Zealand provide some of the world’s best examples of how to do retirement villages ‘right’.
From transparent rates about the cost of living (to allow people to budget without worrying about rising inflation rates), to the flexibility to deliver different levels of help and assistance based on each resident’s needs, they cater to the three needs residents identify as appealing: the ability to stay independent, a safe environment with emergency support, and access to village facilities.
In Australia, approximately 8% of people aged 75 or older live in retirement villages. The country’s retirement village models include shared community spaces such as meeting rooms, pools and libraries, as well as group activities like crafts or joint meals. Similarly, in neighbouring New Zealand the community connection is cited as a strong element of the appeal for residents.
“The Retirement Village sector in the country is well established, having substantially evolved to now be recognised as a key part of the housing solution for the population.”
With more than 31,500 retirement village units across a broad geographic spread that covers much of the country, operators are analysing their markets and delivering products to match demand and desires at a localised level.